A Historical Study on the Consciousness of Health and Hygiene in the Enlightening Period 체육사 : 개화기(開化期) 건강(健康)과 위생의식(衛生意識)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
35(3) 9-19, 1996
A Historical Study on the Consciousness of Health and Hygiene in the Enlightening Period 체육사 : 개화기(開化期) 건강(健康)과 위생의식(衛生意識)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was to consider the consciousness of health and hygiene in the Enlightening Period with the conflict between traditional thoughts and the western thoughts. This analycial study focused on the issues of health and hygiene in the newspapers and academic journals in those days.
The results of this study was summarized as follows;
First, exercises for the physical health were inforced by the children's education of physique at home. The most of education was in the education of physique at home. The education of physique was emphasized to raise healthy body which is some parts of the children's education. An importance of exercise was suggested as the content of an education of physique.
Second, an importance and a necessity of nutrition were started for the consciousness of physical health, and the content was insufficiency and basic knowledge. For example, the nutrition concept was defined and the nutrition components were introduced as basic contents. Chul-Su Kim emphasized the nutrition compontents for the children's health in "the law of home education". He detailed into the sense of nutrition, kinds, methods, and the princeples in systematically. He suggested the 10 principles of nutrition and the element of nutrition applied on physical exercises.
Third, the consciousness of hygiene for health people was slatted from the emphasis of enlightenment activities for the cleanliness of life. To foster health body, the sanitary improvement activities were accomplished via a leading article at newspaper. The concept of hygiene, the sense of nutrition, and the hygienics were introduced at the academic journals. Dond-Choi Lee et al, criticizexl the personal health via healthy life highly effects on healthy society and the rich and powerful nation which means that for healthy people, the primary convent of which was mainly about the origin of hygiene. 10 rules of hygiene was introduced in brief content construct and implication as the method of hygiene, Exercise was emphasized for healthy body as the element of hygiene. Especilly, Kyu-Young Lee criticized that it was very meanignful informatin in terms of "muscle fatigue" at that time.
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A study on the Historical Appreciation of the prospectus of the JoSeon Amateur Sports Association 체육사 : 조선체육회(朝鮮體育會) 창립취지서(創立趣旨書)에 대(對)한 역사적(歷史的) 이해(理解)
정동구 , 장성수
35(3) 20-31, 1996
A study on the Historical Appreciation of the prospectus of the JoSeon Amateur Sports Association 체육사 : 조선체육회(朝鮮體育會) 창립취지서(創立趣旨書)에 대(對)한 역사적(歷史的) 이해(理解)
정동구 , 장성수
This study got these results from the intention for the groping of significant with reappreciation by the historical sight of JoSeon Amateur Sports Association.
The imperialist Japan schemed an obscurantist policy through the law of education after the Japanese annexation of Korea in 1910. Under these circumstances, also the physical education enforced on form a line in the chain of a colonial policy in school or society. Ultimately, the physical education failed into more the stage of stagnation than the end of the JoSeon.
The 3 ·1 movement provided a momentum for the activation of our physical activities. This movement could. not choose but converted a colonial policy to a culture; policy. After one year, the sports organization established, it was the JoSeon Amateur Sports Association. This prospectus's contents had a good value with historical materials, because Its contents had the intention of the times circumstance, the organization spirit and the propulsional direction etc.
These contents of the prospectus could sected 4 paragraph. In these contents, a part of introduction was put into the recognition of human's physical limitation and the inside of the conquest aspiration through reverence and love of the nature.
In a part of the main discouse, it could divided 2 paragraph. In I section, these contents waked up the could help but incurring the national degeneration resulted from the weakness in negligence in spite of the natural relationships of man and the natural law are in health and wealth. And, in II section, These contents put emphasis on the health of individual and the wealth of the nation were inevitable relationship with emphasis on performance of physical education for the conquest of social pathology and the national development preferentially.
In a part of the conclusion, these contents promulgated the oughtness on the organization of JoSeon Amateur Sport Association.
The key in these contents emphasized the unification of all support and backing for the activation of each sport organization in the whole nation.
This sports thought of prospectus had a good effected on the sponsorship and backing of a competition, the formation of local unit and the study activity and the sports management, and It got ready for the basis of congest the Japan. Since it is so, it had a considerable meaning.
Therefore, this prospectus of JoSeon Amateur Sport Association got ready for the mental basis to conquest the Japan ultimately, with inspiration of anti-Japanese sentiments through the completion of the internal coordination and the competent concentration, and it gave emphasis to the realization of physical health through physical activities for the self-esteem of a nationality preferentially in a whole sentence.
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Physical Education Thoughts of the East and the West - Centered on the Ideas of Toegye Yi Hwang & Plato - 체육사 : 동(東) · 서양(西洋)의 체육사상(體育思想)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 퇴계(退溪) 이황(李滉)과 플라톤의 신체사상(身體思想)을 중심(中心)으로 -
35(3) 32-40, 1996
Physical Education Thoughts of the East and the West - Centered on the Ideas of Toegye Yi Hwang & Plato - 체육사 : 동(東) · 서양(西洋)의 체육사상(體育思想)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 퇴계(退溪) 이황(李滉)과 플라톤의 신체사상(身體思想)을 중심(中心)으로 -
What matters in the history of physical education is a diverse illumination of the development and progress of physical education. In particular, the historical and philosophical revelation of the sports phenomena in the Orient and the Occident is a must in modern research of physical education. That's why the focus here is placed on Yi Hwang, a representative scholar of the 16th century Orient, and Plato, a pillar of the Western philosophy.
The comparison of their philosophy has produced the following results.
1. According to Toegye Yi Hwang, the ideal of the supreme state cannot be brought by some supernatural and transcendental force but by main himself. He hints that, from a modern viewpoint of physical education, the ceaseless training of the body and the mind should be accomplished with one's own will and goal. On the other hand, Plato holds that the goal and method of physical training may decide the obtainment of human or divine goodness.
2. Toegye's physical education thoughts are quite different from the western tradition which views body and mind as separate things, Thus, Yi Hwang regards human body and mind as composed of "chi.". As the first person to have emphasized the value of physical education on the national level, Ploto believes that physical education brings about health and has a duty to promote courage. This has traditionally been respected to be alive in the contemporary charter of physical education.
3. Toegye and Plato share the same thought in that the former thinks the educational effect begins from the body and that the latter emphasizes the ceaseless training results in human goodness of health and physical beauty. Basically, however, a great difference is noticed. That is, Yi Hwang sees human body and mind as one whole unity made up of "chi."
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The Effects of Formal Structure on Leadership Recruitment in Korean Professional Baseball Organization 스포츠 사회학 : 한국 프로 야구 조직에 있어서 경기위치와 지도자 충원의 관계
35(3) 43-56, 1996
The Effects of Formal Structure on Leadership Recruitment in Korean Professional Baseball Organization 스포츠 사회학 : 한국 프로 야구 조직에 있어서 경기위치와 지도자 충원의 관계
One of the few research traditions that has developed in the sociology of sport is the study of the relationship between playing position in the formal structure of a sport organization and his chances of being recruited for a leadership position within the span.
The first study of this relationship was Grusky's(1963) analysis in the context of major league professional baseball. His research, showing that players from high interaction positions rather than low interaction positions were more likely to be recruited to the post of team manager, provided the impetus for over a dozen related studies over the last 30yeats. These studies focus on a variety of sport organizations, including baseball, basketball, field hockey, football, ice hockey, and soccer.
Chelladurai and Carron(1977) Proposed the line-of-power model and the propinquity-dependence model. The former is the first model which recogpizes the outfielder as the high interaction position. The propinquity dimension incorporates the attributes of observability and visibility. The task dimension refers to the level of performance interaction present in the task.
While Grusky and his successors point out the associations between occupancy of central playing positions and selection of individuals to positions of formal leadership at the field level, their work suffered from theoretical shortcomings which may have inhibited the understanding of the casual process involved.
The purpose of this study was, first, to verify the playing position-leadership recruitment relationship among Korean professional baseball organizations in a different cultural context, comparing it to North American professional baseball teams, second, to analyze the relative acceptance of the formal structure models in Korean professional baseball organization.
In order to achieve the aforementioned purposes, the relevant data were gathered from 33 Korean professional baseball field managers and 115 playing coaches respectively and 104 North American professional baseball field managers.
The statistical techniques used for the analysis of this study were difference-of-proportion test and Chi-square test.
The result of the study are as follows:
First, there were significant corss-cultural differences in the consequences of players having held the positions of pitcher and catcher.
Second, the formal structure model developed by Chelladurai and Carron showed more accpetable one in Korean professional baseball organization than that of Grusky.
In conclusion notwithstanding certain limitations, the research reviewed above shows that there is a direct, positive correlation between positional placement and the attainment of leadership status in sport organizations. However, it is necessarily needed to identify the causal mechanisms underlying the positional centrality hypothesis in connection with the sociopsychological variables. And more cross-cultural studies involving team sports and countries not previously investigated would be a welcome addition to the literature.
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Influences of Sport Environment of family on Socialization into the Role of Athletes 스포츠 사회학 : 가정의 체육환경이 운동선수 역할사회화에 미치는 영향
35(3) 57-68, 1996
Influences of Sport Environment of family on Socialization into the Role of Athletes 스포츠 사회학 : 가정의 체육환경이 운동선수 역할사회화에 미치는 영향
The purposes of this study were to examine relationship between socialization into the role of athletes and background of home sport environment. Concretely, the purpose of this study to examine relationship between physical sport environment of family of financial ·facility support, psycho-behavioral sport environment of family of interest and participation in sport, encouragement to participate in sport, and attitude to sport among family members that have a great influence on cognitive, affective and behavioral domains in socialization into role of athlete socialization into the role of athletes and background of home sport environment.
Data collected from a questionnaire designed for this study consist of fixed-alternative choice response to item constructed to represent the operational definition for each variable. The inventory was administered to four hundred and five athletes and non-athletes.
Statistics employed the study to data analysis were t-test, one-way ANOVA.
Based upon the result of the study, the following conclusions appear warranted:
1. Physical sport environment of family factor influencing socialization into role of athlete is financial support.
2. Psycho-behavioral sport environment of family factor influencing socialization into role of athlete are interest in sport and encouragement to participate in sport and attitude to sport.
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Relationship between Organization Climate and Job Satisfaction of Physical Education Teachers in Secondary Schools 스포츠 사회학 : 체육교사의 조직풍토와 직무만족의 관계
정용승YongSeungJung , 강효민HyoMinKang
35(3) 69-78, 1996
Relationship between Organization Climate and Job Satisfaction of Physical Education Teachers in Secondary Schools 스포츠 사회학 : 체육교사의 조직풍토와 직무만족의 관계
정용승YongSeungJung , 강효민HyoMinKang
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between organization climate and job satisfaction of physical education teachers in secondary schools. In order to meet this purpose, the following; two research questions were suggested : 1) Relationship between organization climate and job satisfaction. 2) A study for the influence of school organization climate on the job satisfaction of physical education teachers.
The subjects of this study were comprised of 191(171 male ; 20 female) physical education teachers who teach physical education in Chung-Buk arera (Chong-Ju, Chung-Ju, Jai-Chon) during the 1996 school term. The data were collected from questionnaire which was to respond to item constructed to represent each variable.
Statistics employed to analyze the collected data was ANOVA and multiple regression analysis.
The findings of this study were as follows:
1. Organization climate and job satisfaction differ due to demographic social characteristics of physical education teachers. 1) Organizational climate differs among control of sex group, control, stratification of established group, and hedonic tones of position group. 2) Job satisfaction of demographic social characteristics differ among age groups in reward variables, among establishment groups in leadership and colleague relationship variables.
2. The school organization climate affects on the job satisfaction of physical education teachers. 1) Protency positivly affects on the changeable factor of organization climate of the satisfaction with physical education teachers' job itself. 2) Protency and viscidity affect on the satisfaction with the leader of physical education teachers. 3) Protency, viscidity and flexibility affect on the satisfaction for the colleague relationship of physical education teachers. 4) protency affects on the satisfaction with the promotion of physicaleducation teachers.
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Critics on Politics and Commercialism of Sport 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠, 정치(政治) 그리고 상업주의(商業主義) 비판(批判)
35(3) 79-94, 1996
Critics on Politics and Commercialism of Sport 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠, 정치(政治) 그리고 상업주의(商業主義) 비판(批判)
The purpose of this study is to critically consider the dysfunctional phenomena of contemporary sport. For this purpose the perspective of conflict theory - one of Marxist traditions - is used.
Conflict theorists generally view society as an ever-changing set of relationships characterized by inherent differences of interests and disagreement. Social order results from the facts that some people are able to use their resources to coerce and subtly manipulate others to accept their view of the world as the correct view.
Conflict theory is primarily concerned with how sport reflects the unequal distribution of power and economic resources in capitalist society and how it perpetuates those inequalities.
According to conflict theorists, sport in capitalist societies is used by dominant groups to reproduce the established right. In other words, they argue that sport ultimately promotes the interests of people in power and sport is distorted form of physical exercise shaped by those possessing power and resources in capitalist systems.
Therefore this perspective leads them to emphasize the negative consequences of sport and to call for changes in the capitalist society that distort sport's potential to be a source of positive experiences. In conclusion, conflict theorists will continually argue that sport is an opiate until society is changed.
But like the other perspectives, conflict theory has some notable weaknesses. The first problem is that excludes factors other than capitalism in explaining the sport-society relationship. The second problem is that it overemphasizes the extent to which sport is controlled by people in position of power in capitalist societies. Third problem is that it ignores the possibility that sport participation, even in a capitalist society, can be a personally creative, expressive, and liberating experience. A fourth problem is that research finding don't support the idea that sport an opiate. In conclusion, the major problem with conflict theory is that it leads people to see sport simply as a reflection of the economic forces operating in society.
In spite of its weaknesses, conflict theory has been very useful in calling attention to the problems in sport and the way in which those problems are similar to the ones existing in society as a whole.
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The Relation of Sports Type and Injury Proneness to Personality Traits 스포츠 심리학 : 운동종목의 특성과 상해호발성향에 따른 성격특성의 차이
35(3) 97-106, 1996
The Relation of Sports Type and Injury Proneness to Personality Traits 스포츠 심리학 : 운동종목의 특성과 상해호발성향에 따른 성격특성의 차이
This survey has focused on the effect of sports type and injury proneness to the personality formation. The sample group was composed of 400 male university athletes with longer than 5 years career as athletes. The sample group was classified into 4 categories according to the sports type : physical contact & individual(Judo, Taekwondo), non-contact & individual (Gymnastics, Field & Tract), contact & collective(Soccer, Basket ball) and non-contact & collective(Baseball, volley ball). The results are:
1) There was a significant difference in childishness / courtesy(F=5.33, p<.01). Non-contact group showed higher childishness.
2) There was a significant difference in obedience / dictatorship(F=4.92, p<.01). The injured group showed a higher tendency of dictatorship compared to the uninjured group(β=0.9). The collective sports group showed a higher tendency of dictatorship compared to the individual sports group
3) There was a significant difference in timidity / boldness(F=3.65, p<.05). The collective sports group showed a higher tendency of timidity.
4) There was a significant difference in simplicity / speculation(F=2.67, p<.05).
5) There was a significant difference in instability/self-confidence(F=0.71, p<.001). The contact & collective sports group showed a higher tendency of instability(β=.27)
6) There was a significant difference in impulsiveness/ prudence(F=3.14, p<.05). The non- contact: & collective sports group showed a higher tendency of impulsiveness(β=-.56)
7) There was a significant difference in leadership (F-2.71, p<.05). The non-contact sports group showed a higher leadership(β=.43)
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Development of Psychological Skill Test for Korean Athletes 스포츠 심리학 : 운동선수들의 심리적 기술 검사지 개발
35(3) 107-124, 1996
Development of Psychological Skill Test for Korean Athletes 스포츠 심리학 : 운동선수들의 심리적 기술 검사지 개발
The present study attempted to develop a psychological skill test for Korean athletes(PSTKA) through qualitative and quantitative research methodology. In a qualitative study, 30 Korean elite athletes were interviewed and answered open-ended questions asking them for their psychological skills and strategies relative to their best performance. The data were drawn from verbatim transcriptions of the interviews and were inductively content analyzed. Two major dimensions and 10 factors emerged from data. data. Fundamental skill dimension consisted of self-life management, positive thought, effort/commitment, goal setting, qualitative training. Performance skill dimension included coping strategy, mental preparation, confidence, optimal arousal, concentration. Initial item development(10 factors and 86 items) were accomplished through emerged qualitative data, and then the items were examined psychometrically with two separated samples numbering 557 and 497 college athletes. However, the results of Item analysis and exploratory factor analysis using the fast sample suggested 43 items 6 factors PSTKA: qualitative/mental training, volition, confidence, concentration, goal/coping strategy. For the second sample, a confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated the factorial validity of the PSTKA, as 6 subscales conform well to the underlying factor structure for Korean college athletes. In discussion, it was suggested that the construct and concurrent validity of the PSTKA within various athletes should be performed in the future study.
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Integration of visual and proprioceptive input during goal - directed movements 스포츠 심리학 : 목표지향 운동중 시각 정보와 고유감각 정보의 통합
35(3) 125-134, 1996
Integration of visual and proprioceptive input during goal - directed movements 스포츠 심리학 : 목표지향 운동중 시각 정보와 고유감각 정보의 통합
The purpose of this study was to investigate contributions of the visual and proprioceptive system to the movement control process by examining potential roles of the visual and proprioceptive system during goal-directed movements. Manipulation of visual or proprioceptive input during goal-directed movements was shown to have immediate effects on programmed motor output. At a given task environment, the visual system provides the control system with information about spatial parameters, such as size and position of the target, and location of the limb participating in an intended movement. The proprioceptive system, on the other hand, provides the control system with knowledge about internal status of the limb participating in the movement, such as muscle length, changes in muscle length and joint angles, and the rate of changes in muscle length. Although the visual and proprioceptive system play unique roles during goal-directed movements, differences in the role of those sensory systems do not indicate that they operate independently. During an intended movement, the control system integrates both visual and proprioceptive input, and the integrated information is utilized in the voluntary components of the movement control process, including programming of motor commands, guidance of movement trajectories, triggering of movement sequences, and evaluation of movement outcome. Therefore, the visual and proprioceptive system constitute an important part of the motor control mechanism, and the control system should interact continuously with the sensory system during the movement control process.
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Factors affecting Korean university and club basketball coaches' timeout decisions 스포츠 심리학 : 한국 농구지도자들의 타임아웃 결정에 영향을 미치는 요인
차양숙YangSookCha , 고영규YoungGyuKo
35(3) 135-141, 1996
Factors affecting Korean university and club basketball coaches' timeout decisions 스포츠 심리학 : 한국 농구지도자들의 타임아웃 결정에 영향을 미치는 요인
차양숙YangSookCha , 고영규YoungGyuKo
This study investigated the criteria that coaches of Korean university and club basketball teams used when calling a timeout. Thirty-four coaches of university and club basketball responded to Likert scale questions rating the importance of six factors in calling a timeout. The results showed that players' emotional and physical state was perceived as mast often leading to a timeout while game strategy was perceived as least often leading to a timeout. Differences due to team sex, coaching experience, age, team level, and team success were not found in all six factors, i.e., the offensive game events, the defensive game events, the attentional state of the players, the emotional state of the players, the physical state of the players, and the strategy.
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A study on socio - psychological variables affecting exercise adherence behavior variables 스포츠 심리학 : 운동지속 행동에 영향을 미치는 사회심리학적 변인들에 관한 연구
35(3) 142-153, 1996
A study on socio - psychological variables affecting exercise adherence behavior variables 스포츠 심리학 : 운동지속 행동에 영향을 미치는 사회심리학적 변인들에 관한 연구
From socio-psychological point of view, this study was based on why many people caused their exercise activity on the way, giving up their exercise in activity, even when they started to exercise on the boom wave. The goal of this study lies on clarifying results relations by uncovering socio-psychological variables cause along with the motives of exercise adherences. The total subjects were 922 persons. This study was made by questionaire for mats witches include questione on personal factors, goal achievements, outcome expectancies, and self-efficacy. Spss/pc 4.01 version was applied to process the analysis. The average of causes, standard deviation, interrelational fators were basically established. One-way ANOVA was conducted in order to detect and prove substantial gap between appropriate causes, path-analysis was also adapted to find out the prove cause relations of each varied element.
There are significant changes depends on age, sex, income, educational level in terms of motives on participator, exercise adherence, goal achievement, outcome expectancies, and self-efficacy.
An indivisual achievements were causes to participate motivation, the motives of participation produced on direct causes to outcome expectancies and self-efficacy. A self-efficacy was the most direct causes to exercise adherence.
The exercise leaders should be discreate enough with adequate approaches from socio-psycholagical point of views in consideration of characteristics of participators when wish to intensify distribution and expansion and adherence of exercise.
Further studies should be developed in far depth and dimensions in order to introduce rational stpplications to real sport sciences.
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The Abstract in Modern Society and Problems in Physical Education 스포츠 교육학 : 현대 사회의 추상성과 체육교육의 문제
35(3) 157-168, 1996
The Abstract in Modern Society and Problems in Physical Education 스포츠 교육학 : 현대 사회의 추상성과 체육교육의 문제
Rationality which led to Western modernization is based on absolute superiority of reason, contributing to liberalization of human being from the nature. However, rationality characterized by maximization of means has been modified to instrumental rationality. Instrumental rationality views all events as means-ends relationship and emphasizes the ways to produce maximum efficiency. Modem society based on instrumental rationality lost existential concreteness and paid much attention to the abstract which resulted in the form of division.
The abstract in modern society has been actualized in the fields of physical education as well as education in general. This paper viewed the abstract in modern society as a determinant of physical education and discussed the embedded abstract in physical education.
In the abstracted modern society, physical education has shown dualistic structure. First, goals of physical education emphasize maintenance and promotion of health and physical fitness. Characteristic reduction of the whole man by each subject matter relates physical education to the body and the concepts such as health and fitness. This trend resulted in the limited emphasis on the mind and morality in physical education and helped to define physical education as a subject for maintenance and improvement of physical fitness and health. In addition, mesomorphism which emphasizes external values of the body has been a limiting factor for the enhancement of physical performance and the development of positive self views.
Second, the content and method of physical education are characterized by technocratism. The content and method of physical education in the modern society requires the most efficient strategies to achieve the goals of maintenance and promotion of health and physical fitness. Health and physical fitness can be achieved by skill learning and the skills are systematized through the sequential manner. Also, the skills can be quantified and subject to arithmetic manipulation. Thus, the goals of physical education have moved away from the development of the whole man toward reproduction of the means.
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The Study on Actual Utilization of Sports Center Consumer 사회 체육 : 스포츠센터 소비자의 이용 실태 조사
35(3) 171-182, 1996
The Study on Actual Utilization of Sports Center Consumer 사회 체육 : 스포츠센터 소비자의 이용 실태 조사
The purpose of this study was to examine the associations between social characteristics variable(gender, age, income, levels of education) of sports center consumers and each variables and provide marketing strategies fox sports centers. The data from 554 consumers of sports center is analyzed using by the cluster random sampling method. The results are as follows.
First, facilities which consumers used most frequently are swimming pool and bowling center that they are able to use alone.
Second, the major factors influencing sports center are the quality and variety of facilities.
Third, the main purposes of using sports center are for maintaining or promoting health and for relieving stress.
Fourth, the period of use for sports center are different according to level of education, gross income and age.
Fifth, using time of sports center is different according to gender.
The results of this study suggested following for reasonable management of sports center; first, strategy device toward young consumers, second, partition of target market based on gross income and level of education of consumers, third, providing program and information for maintaining and promoting consumers health and for relieving stress.
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A study on factor determinants for sport participation 사회 체육 : 스포츠참가 결정요인에 관한 연구
35(3) 183-189, 1996
A study on factor determinants for sport participation 사회 체육 : 스포츠참가 결정요인에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of spore participation.
According to the results, the factors having higher probability of descriptive variables for the frequence of sport participation are as the followings :
1. In the factors for the sport participation and conciousness, the main variables are belonging to presents sport club and participation experience in the sport on male, and are belonging to present spore club, watch - game experence, sport news paper, T.V, radio sport program seeing, feeling of sport activities, and self recongnition of sport performance etc. on female.
2. In the environmental conditions, the presents factors such as play-place, facilities, equipment, leader, friend, expense, and knowledge and technigue are mainly related to both male and female.
3. In the family experience of sport, past sport experience of mother is effective to male, and past sport experience of father and present sport experience of sisters are to female.
4. In the significant others, presents inducements of relative is main variable on male, and past sport inducement by father, mother, and sisters are variables on female.
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Effects of Leisure Satisfaction on the Life Satisfaction among Elderly 여가 레크리에이션 : 게이트 볼 참가 노인의 여가만족과 생활만족의 관계
35(3) 193-201, 1996
Effects of Leisure Satisfaction on the Life Satisfaction among Elderly 여가 레크리에이션 : 게이트 볼 참가 노인의 여가만족과 생활만족의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine effects of leisure satisfaction on the life satisfaction among elderly.
Data were collected from two hundred and seventeen elderly who involved in gateball by the method of stratified cluster random sampling. Statistics employed in the study were correlational analysis and multiple regression analysis.
The major findings of this study were as follow:
first, social and relaxational leisure satisfaction have significant effects on the past life satisfaction of elderly.
second, relaxational leisure satisfaction has significant effect on the current life satisfaction of elderly.
third, psychological and physiological leisure satisfaction have significant effects on the future life satisfaction of elderly.
fourth, social leisure satisfaction havs significant effect on the total life satisfaction of elderly.
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The Contribution of Type in Leisure Activity to Leisure Satisfaction among the Aged 여가 레크리에이션 : 노인의 여가활동 유형과 여가만족의 관계
정영린YoungLinCyung , 이홍구HongGooLee
35(3) 202-212, 1996
The Contribution of Type in Leisure Activity to Leisure Satisfaction among the Aged 여가 레크리에이션 : 노인의 여가활동 유형과 여가만족의 관계
정영린YoungLinCyung , 이홍구HongGooLee
The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of type in leisure activity and leisure satisfaction of the aged. The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the type in leisure activity on leisure satisfaction by comparing the difference of psychological, educational, social, relaxational, physiological, and asthetics satisfaction.
Subjects of this study were sampled 634 the aged(309 male, 325 female) over 60 years old in old people's home and university of the aged which located in Seoul by the cluster random sampling. Statistics employed in this study were analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) and multiple classification analysis(MCA).
Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusionswere warranted :
First, the type of leisure activity among the aged has an influence on the psychological satisfaction. That is, there is difference in the psychological satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activities is the highest.
Second, the type of leisure activity among the aged has an influence on the educational satisfaction. That is, there is difference in educational satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and cultural activities is the highest.
Third, the type of leisure activity among they aged has an influence on the social satisfaction. That is, there is difference in social satisfaction according to the type of the leisure activity, and social activities is the highest.
Forth, the type of leisure activity among the aged has an influence on the relaxational satisfaction. That is, there is difference in telaxationai satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activities is the highest.
Fifth, the type of leisure activity among the aged has an influence on the physiological satisfaction. That is, there is difference in physiological satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activities is the highest.
Sixth, the type of leisure activity among the aged hues an influence on the ascetics satisfaction. That is, there is difference in ascetics satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activities is the highest.
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Relationship Between Somatotypes and Physical Fitness Test for College Entrance 체육측정평가 : 입시체력 검사와 체형 및 신체 조건과의 관계에 관한 연구
35(3) 215-223, 1996
Relationship Between Somatotypes and Physical Fitness Test for College Entrance 체육측정평가 : 입시체력 검사와 체형 및 신체 조건과의 관계에 관한 연구
The somatotype and physical fitness of three groups that were consisted of trained(TR=50), untrained(UT=50), and athletic(AT=50) group was measured. Anthropometic variables included height, mass, selected diameters, girths and skinfolds(triceps, subscapular, suprailiac, medial calf) and Heath-Carter anthropometric somatotype. Comparisons were made with AT, UT, and TR group.
When comparing the relationship between somatotype and fitness status, TR were being more dominance than two other groups in all fitness test, and also, there were significant differences seven kinds of test(p<.05).
According to previous somatotype studies, athlete group was near to the mesomorphy type, but present study showed that athlete and trained group were less mesomorphy than normal university student. Although somatotype of AT and TR were not mesomorphy, that result seemed reasonable because they were participated in the special team sports.
In conclusion, somatotype was affected by the training status and kinds of sports. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the measurement technique and reasonable equation considering the variety variables.
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A Survey of Body Composition of Woman University Student of Physical Education 체육측정평가 : 체육 전공 여대생의 신체 형태와 신체 조성에 대한 검토
35(3) 224-234, 1996
A Survey of Body Composition of Woman University Student of Physical Education 체육측정평가 : 체육 전공 여대생의 신체 형태와 신체 조성에 대한 검토
The presumed ways of the characteristics and body density were surveyed on woman university students classified by academic years and player-nonplayer groups. The findings of this survey are as follows:
1. The height and weight of woman university students of physical education were higher than those of average woman student of an age, but the body compositions of both groups were similar. If compared in terms of the academic years, the two groups showed some significant differences in hip circumference and skinfold thickness and in %Fat by th BI method, i.e. freshman: 28.13%, sophomore: 26.16% junior: 27.4%, senior: 24.76%.
2. The average %Fat of the whole years showed 20.96% by the UW method, 22.8% by the ST method, and 26.82% by the BI method the reasons why the BI method showed the highest values need to be examined.
3. In the survey between the player group and the nonplayer group, the former showed the higher values than the latter in weight ratio, waist circumference, hip circumference, and %Fat.
4. The correlation of %Fat by the UW method and other related items showed significant differences within the range of r=0.337-0.547 and a similar correlation to the physical constitution indexes(weight ratio, BMI, RI), However, it had no relations with WHR(Waist Circumference, Hip circumference Ratio)
5. The multiple regression equation was formulated with the body density by the UW method as a dependent variable and skinfold thickness as an independent variable. The presumed formula of body density which showed the highest adequacy is as follows:
Db = 1.0765 - 0.0007X (triceps + abdomen), R = 0.605 (SEE = 0.0073)
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A Study on the Correlation between balance and each Item of Physique and Physical Fitness of Tae Kwon Do Players 체육측정평가 : 태권도(跆拳道) 선수(選手)의 평형성(平衡性)과 체격(體格) 및 체력(體力)의 상관(相關)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 체급비교(體級比較)를 중심(中心)으로 -
35(3) 235-243, 1996
A Study on the Correlation between balance and each Item of Physique and Physical Fitness of Tae Kwon Do Players 체육측정평가 : 태권도(跆拳道) 선수(選手)의 평형성(平衡性)과 체격(體格) 및 체력(體力)의 상관(相關)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 체급비교(體級比較)를 중심(中心)으로 -
This paper aims to study balance through the relation between balance and each item of physique and physical fitness. 64 high school Taekwondo Player of light weight class-24, middle weight class-2A and heavy weight class-24, are selected for this test.
The sub-tests of this study are :
1. Balance tests ; stick test (static balance), modified stepping stone test(dynamic balance)
2. Physique tests ; standing height, body weight, chest girth, sitting height, lower limb length. girth of hip, girth of calf.
3. Physical fitness test ; grip strength, hack strength, dipping, pull-up, sargent, shuttle-run, burpee-test, trunk flexion, trunk extension.
The conclusions of this study are as follows :
1. The result of static balance is low and shows big variation among 3 group.
2. The relation between balance and physique(dynamic balance and standing height, body weight ,chest girth) shows a little negative correlation among 3 group and that between balance and physique (lower limb, girth of hip, sitting height, girth of calf) shows little correlation among 3 group.
3. The relation between balance and physical fitness(sargent, shuttle-run, burpee test, trunk extension) shows a little correlation among 3 group and that between balance and trunk flexion shows no correlation among 3 group.
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A Biomechanical Comparison of Flip - Flop & Backward Somersault 운동 역학 : 제자리 손짚고뒤돌기 기술과 뒤공중돌기 기술의 운동역학적 비교연구
황인승InSeoungHwang , 이성철SungCheolLee
35(3) 247-256, 1996
A Biomechanical Comparison of Flip - Flop & Backward Somersault 운동 역학 : 제자리 손짚고뒤돌기 기술과 뒤공중돌기 기술의 운동역학적 비교연구
황인승InSeoungHwang , 이성철SungCheolLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate a similarity between the biomechanical variables of Hip-flop and backward somersault and to suggest principal coaching points that could practically be used when teaching the two skills. This was done with the assumption that a positive transfer effect could be found if there is a similarity between the two skills.
Five male athletics in high school were recruited for this study. The subjects were 162.2 ±10.5 ㎝ in height and 51.8 ±7.8 Kg in weight. A high speed camera and a force plate were simultaneously operated for data collection. By using the properly processed kinematic and kinetic outputs, paired t-tests were conducted to determine the similarity between the two skills.
The results, which five biomechanical variables selected, did not show any identical variables between the two skills. Consequently, the two skills could not have a similarity and could not be transferred to each other. Thus, it is suggested that the flip-flop and backward somersault should be taught separately, not connectedly
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Kinetic Analysis of 9 Aerobic Dance Movements 운동 역학 : 에어로빅 댄스동작의 운동 역학적 분석(Ⅱ)
35(3) 257-270, 1996
Kinetic Analysis of 9 Aerobic Dance Movements 운동 역학 : 에어로빅 댄스동작의 운동 역학적 분석(Ⅱ)
Aerobic dance makes human body consume oxygen. It has proved to have an effect in preventing the occurrence of adult deseases. Moreover, it is one of the most easily-accessible sports by all people regardless of their age or sex. If people want to practice aerobic dance for their life-time, they need to make efforts both to maximize its positive effects and to minimize its negative effects. In this context, we ought to conduct research on the causes of body load during aerobic dancing.
The purpose of this study is to identify the causes of injuries in practicing aerobic dance via the biomechanical analysis of stylized movements of the dance. The result of the studies will be used as basic material in choreographing aerobic dance.
When the nine most-frequently used movement styles were analysed via force platform, passive peak, the main cause of sports injuries appeared only in jumping movement. On average, the frequency and vibrators fumed out to be fifty percent and 5㎐ respectively. Although the numbers are somewhat low, considering the aerobic dance's characteristic of the repetition of the same movement, the passive peak in jumping may well cause injury.
In analysing the other eight movements styles, passive peak couldn't be found and only the active peak appeared. It suggests that the eight movements are good for dancers to practice their own active forcecs. In particular, both the step-touch and walking generated high reactive force and great impulse in all three directions, i.e. fore-back, left-tight, and up-down. However, the two movements fumed out to have the lowest loading rate. From these results, one can conclude that these two movements are excellent in that they enable aerobic dancers to actively utilize their lower-limb force and also reduce the injury occurrence.
In addition, the three movements, i.e., walking, step-touch, and lunge, proved to have loading rate of merely less than 20BW/sec. Since they involve the slow-twitch fever, they are good for both oxygen-consuming exercise and decreasing injury rate. Lunge appeared to have relatively great propelling-force in fore-back reactive force. According to the analysis of impulse of fore-back reactive force, step-touch seems to have the same rate of propelling and breaking. This indicates that step-touch can develop the muscle for propelling and muscle for breaking in a balanced way. This study has attempted to identify the difference in biomechanical factors among major movement types of aerobic dance. However, when difference in either the body weight or skill is taken into account, the biomechanical factors will be accordingly variated. Therefore, the consideration of both the body weight and skill in this kind of research is left as a future research topic.
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A Kinematic Comparison of the Swing Techniques of Men and Women Golfers
Park Jin
35(3) 271-285, 1996
A Kinematic Comparison of the Swing Techniques of Men and Women Golfers
Park Jin
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Effects of Ankle Brace on Ground Reaction Forces during Lateral movement 운동 역학 : Ankle Brace의 착용이 측방운동(側方運動) 시(時) 지면반력(地面反力)에 미치는 영향
35(3) 286-295, 1996
Effects of Ankle Brace on Ground Reaction Forces during Lateral movement 운동 역학 : Ankle Brace의 착용이 측방운동(側方運動) 시(時) 지면반력(地面反力)에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ankle brace on ground reaction forces during rapid lateral braking movement. A total of 12 male adults were asked to perform 3 lateral steps as soon as possible to their right and to tread on farce platform with their right foot, and to turn back to the starting position. Three different shoe conditions (barefoot trial, shoe trial, and shoe-ankle brace trial) were included in the analysis. Kistler force platform, adjusting to 500㎐ per channel, was employed to determine time and kinetic variables. For statistical analysis, paired t-test was used.
The results were as follows.
1) Bare foot is the worst condition in both reducing the impact shock (Fzl, Gzl) and performing rapid lateral braking movement.
2) Vertical loading rate(Gzl) was significantly increased by wearing ankle brace onto shoe.
3) There was no significant difference between shoe and shoe-brace conditions in lateral movement performance.
So, it is desirable to wear much softer midsole shoe when ankle brace needs to be worn.
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The Model for the Walking and Running Program for the Health of the Aged 스포츠 생리학 : 노인 건강을 위한 걷기 · 달리기 프로그램 모형
35(3) 299-308, 1996
The Model for the Walking and Running Program for the Health of the Aged 스포츠 생리학 : 노인 건강을 위한 걷기 · 달리기 프로그램 모형
This study is aimed to develop the program for the improvement of the health of the aged.
After the test of motor weight and walking and running ability, watching psysiological factors such as heart rate and the amount of oxygen intake while exercising , exercise is performed with the proper intended intensity according to each one's heart-rate is gained. Training for the first 4 weeks was done with the 40% of HRmax, for the 5-8th weeks 50% of HRmax, and the last 4 weeks 60% of HRmax. Thuough this study the following conclusion is reached.
First, owing to the aging phenomenon, the psysiological factors of the aged in their sixties during the beginning of the training showed relatively great variation, 2 or 3 minutes normal variation was found.
Second, for the first 4 weeks it was found that in case of the aged beginners the proper intensity of training when walking and running with the 40% of HRmax is exercising with the speed of walking 2.5-3mph for 20-25 minutes.
Third, in training for the intermediate for the 5-8th weeks, with the intensity of the 50% of HRmax, it is (mown that 30 minutes exercise with the speed of walking 3.5-4.5mph is more effective.
Fourth, for 9-12th training for highest done with the intensity of 60% of HRmax it is reached it is desirable to run with the speed of 4-4.5mph, jogging speed.
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The effect of Glucose - Vitamin Complex according to Dosage time on the changes of Blood Glucose and Lactate after Maximal Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 시간별 Glucose - Vitamin 복합제 투여가 최대운동시 혈중 대사작용에 미치는 영향
조근종KeunChongCho , 임인수InSuIm , 김진항JinHangKim
35(3) 309-316, 1996
The effect of Glucose - Vitamin Complex according to Dosage time on the changes of Blood Glucose and Lactate after Maximal Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 시간별 Glucose - Vitamin 복합제 투여가 최대운동시 혈중 대사작용에 미치는 영향
조근종KeunChongCho , 임인수InSuIm , 김진항JinHangKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Glucose-Vitamin Complex on changes and recovers of blood lactate and glucose after all-out treadmill run exercise as metabolism response by temporarily treatment of Glucose-Vitamin Complex. All subjects were 8 males football athletes on H university in Seoul who divided into 6 groups(placebo and during, 0, 15, 30, 60 min before exercise) according to dosage time conditions. Therefore, the design for this study was repeated measurement within group and between groups as independent variations were dosage time(6) and exercise condition as blood sampling time(resting immediately, 10, 20, 30 min. after exercise), dependent variations were blood glucose and lactate(6×5) with recorded performance time of all subjects.
The following conclusion were made :
1. Glucose showed significant changes according to 5 conditions. All groups showed the highest level at 10 min. after exercise, dosed group at just before exercise were the highest level with the lowest level on dosed group 15 min. before exercise (p<.001).
2. Lactate showed significant changes according to 5 conditions. All groups showed the highest level at immediate exercise, dosed group at 30 min. before exercise were the highest level with the lowest level on dosed group at just before exercise(p<.001).
3. Glucose showed non-significant changes among 6 groups (p>.05). There were showed higher on dosed groups than control group in recovery rate with the highest level on dosed group at 60 min. before exercise.
4. Lactate showed significant changes among 6 groups (p<.05). There were also showed higher on dosed groups than control group in recovery rate with the highest level on dosed group at 60 min. before exercise.
As a conclusion, this study can be suggested that dosage of Glucose-Vitamin Complex can promote to energy metabolism and fatigue recovery. In particular, dosage group at 60 min. before exercise showed the most fast decrease of blood glucose and lactate on recovery time after exercise.
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A Study of Selected Fatigue Variables Following the Ingestion of Carbohydrate and BCAA Injection 스포츠 생리학 : 인위적인 방법에 의한 피로의 연장시 혈중 피로요인의 변화에 관한 연구
35(3) 317-335, 1996
A Study of Selected Fatigue Variables Following the Ingestion of Carbohydrate and BCAA Injection 스포츠 생리학 : 인위적인 방법에 의한 피로의 연장시 혈중 피로요인의 변화에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of physiological fatigue variables(blood lactic acid, ammonia, inorganic phosphate, pH, rectal temperature) following different exercise intensities and experimental conditions, and provide the scientific basis for effective evaluation of exercise performance enhancement by studying fatigue variables which correctly reflect the progress of fatigue.
The subjects of this study were 15 high school and University freshmen athletes(mean age 16.9 years) who participated regularly in training programs for more than 20 hours per week. Each subject participated in five different experimental conditions which were : VO₂max, 85% of VO₂ max, 75% of VO₂ max, 85% of VO₂max after CHO supplyrnent and 85% of VO₂ max after BCAA injection. All experimental exercise condition were continued until subject stopped because of fatigue.
Following order of experimental conditions, as listed above, mean exercise performance times were 15' 38" , 44' 51" , 96' 13" , 61' 14", and 54' 29". The shortest exercise performance was VO₂max experiment condition and the longest exercise performance was 75% of VO₂max condition. Mean blood lactic acid concentration at the end of each experimental conditions were as follows : 17.6 m㏖/L, 8.67 m㏖/L, 1.96 m㏖/L, 5.77 m㏖/L, and 7.59 m㏖/L. There were significant differences among these blood lactic acid concentrations(p<0.05). Blood lactic acid concentrations were increased following exercise, but remained approximately at the resting level in 75% of VO₂max. Blood ammonia concentration at the end of each experimental conditions were increased. Mean blood ammonia concentration were 188.1 μ ㏖/L, 173.1 is μ㏖/L, 209.4 μ㏖/L, 177.8μ㏖/L, and 152.6 μ㏖/L, and there were significant differences among these blood ammonia concentrations(p<0.05). Also, there were large individual blood ammonia level differences at rest and at the end of exercise. Mean blood pH's at the end of the experimental conditions were : pH 7.22, pH 7.30, pH 7.37, pH 7.36, and pH 7.29. The largest pH decrease was at VO₂ max condition and the smallest decrease was at the 75% of VO₂ max condition. Also, there were significant differences among these blood pH values at the end of all experimental conditions(p<0.05), Mean blood inorganic phosphate concentration were increased : these values were 4.96 ㎎/㎗, 4.87 ㎎/㎗, 4.37 ㎎/㎗, 4.56 ㎎/㎗, and 4.58 ㎎/㎗. There were no significant differences among these blood inorganic phosphate concentration at the end of all experimental conditions(p>0.05). Mean resting rectal temperature at each experimental conditions were 37.2℃ and no significant differences were found at all experimental conditions(p>0.05). However, mean rectal temperature were increased 37.99℃, 38.98℃, 39.20℃ 38.95℃, and 39.1℃ Therefore, in all experimental condition, there was a large increase in rectal temperature after exercise. Also, except the VO₂max experimental condition, there were no significant rectal temperature differences(p>0.05).
Therefore, even though blood lactic acid, ammonia, and pH might be fatigue variables the absolute, values of these variables do not reflect the progress of fatigue. However, blood inorganic phosphate showed consistent accumulation at the all experimental fatigue situation and small individual differences. Thus, compared with other fatigue variables, absolute value of blood inorganic phosphate might possibly be a good indicator of fatigue progress. Also, absolute rate of elevated rectal temperature might possibly be an indicator of fatigue progress too.
In conclusion, using blood inorganic phosphate accumulation and rectal temperature elevation, one can be evaluating the training status and predict potential ability of exercise perfornmance.
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Analysis of Judo Athletes' Isokinetic Relative Muscle Strength 스포츠 생리학 : 한국 남·여 유도 각체급 대표급 선수들의 신체 부위별 등속성 최대 근력 분석
최종삼JongSamChoi , 이강우KangWooLee
35(3) 336-348, 1996
Analysis of Judo Athletes' Isokinetic Relative Muscle Strength 스포츠 생리학 : 한국 남·여 유도 각체급 대표급 선수들의 신체 부위별 등속성 최대 근력 분석
최종삼JongSamChoi , 이강우KangWooLee
The purpose of the study was to measure maximum muscle strength of thigh (regio femorals) and arm (brachium) at 60˚/sec and leg (regio cruralis) at 30˚/sec using cybex-II. Twenty eight judo athletes, two for each weight level and sex were employed. The results were reported using relative muscle strength ratio as compared with subject's own weight.
The results are as followings:
1. Knee (regio femorals)
For sex, male judo athletes' relative muscle strength ratio of thigh, centering on the knee, that is, right extensor muscle strength (REMS), right flexor muscle strength (RFMS), left extensor muscle strength(LEMS), and left flexor muscle strength (LFMS) were 84.5%, 59.7%, 92.6% and 58.6%, respectively. For female athletes', REMS, RFMS, LEMS, and LFMS are 94.7%, 56.0%, 87.4%, and 52.7%, respectively.
For weight levels, REMS, RFMS, LEMS, and LFMS of mate athlets on -79㎏ level were 105%, 72.3%, 110%, and 72.6%, respectively. And those of male athletes on -78㎏ were 116%o, 67.8%, 93.7%, and 60.4%, respectively, which were higher than norm for male on equivalent level. Some of those of female athletes on -56㎏ level and -61㎏ level were higher than norm. REMS, RFMS, LEMS, and LFMS of female athletes on -72㎏ level were 109%, 79.3%. 101% and 78.2%, all of which were higher than norm.
2. Aankle (Regio Cruralis)
For sex, male judo athletes' average relative muscle strength ratio of leg, centering on ankle, right volar flexion (RVF), right dorsal flexion (RDF), left volar flexion (LVF), and left dorsal flexion (LDF) were 52.4%, 13.5%, 50.3%, and 13.6%, respectively. Those of female athletes were 53.4%, 13.1%, 52.4%, and 12.4%, respectively.
For weight levels, some of RVF, RDF, LVF, and LDF of female athletes on -65kg, -78kg, and -86kg level were higher than norm or so. Those of male
In summary, muscle strength of thigh was showed the highest in male athletes on -71㎏ and. -78㎏ level and female athletes on 72㎏ level; Muscle strength of leg in male on 71㎏ level and female on 72㎏ level: Muscle strength of arm in male on +95㎏ level and female on -48㎏ level.
athletes on -72㎏ were 55.4%, 18.2%, 60.2%, and 16.2%, respectively. Some of those of female athletes on -48㎏, -56㎏, and -61㎏ level were higher than norm or so. Those of female athlete on -72㎏ level were 57.4%, 14.2%, 55.2%, and 13.2%, which were higher than norm.
3. Elbow (Brachium)
For sex, male judo athletes' average relative muscle strength ratio, that is, right extensor muscle strength (REMS), right flexor muscle strength (RFMS), left extensor muscle strength (LEMS), and left flexor muscle strength (LFMS) were 39.9%, 30.9%, 41.3%, and 26.7%, respectively. Those of female athletes were 34.2%, 21.2, 35.5%, and 22.3%, respectively.
For weight levels, some of REMS, RFMS, LEMS, and LFMS of male athletes on -65㎏ and -78㎏ level were higher than norm or so. REMS, RFMS, LEMS, and, LFMS of male athletes on -95㎏ level were 48.2%, 32.6%, 45.2%, and 24.3%, respectively, all of which were higher than norm. Some of those of female athlete on -52㎏, -56kg, -72㎏ level revealed higher than norm. Those of female athletes were 36.7%, 25.7%, 54.3%, and 32.6%, respectively, all of which were higher than norm.
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Determination of anaerobic threshold by the kinetics of heart rate during graded rowing exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 점증적 운동시 심박수 변화를 이용한 무산소성 역치의 결정방법
35(3) 349-357, 1996
Determination of anaerobic threshold by the kinetics of heart rate during graded rowing exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 점증적 운동시 심박수 변화를 이용한 무산소성 역치의 결정방법
This study was performed to compare the tendency of anaerobic threshold by the various determinant method, for the verification of break point of heart rate during graded exercise. During the graded exercise by the rowing ergometer, heart rate, blood lactate concentration, oxygen uptake, and exercise intensity on break point of heart rate showed no significant difference as compare to ventilation threshold and lactate threshold. And these parameters values of break point were correlated to the ventilation and lactate threshold. But these parameters values of OBLA showed a significant higher values than ventilation and lactate threshold. In this results, it could be present the applicability of break point of heart rate, for the analysis of endurance capacity.
Key Words
anaerobic threshold, heart rate, OBLA
Comparison of Physiological intensity on a various exercise program on the basis of dance 스포츠 생리학 : 무용동작을 이용한 운동 프로그램 유형에 따른 생리학적 강도의 비교
35(3) 358-366, 1996
Comparison of Physiological intensity on a various exercise program on the basis of dance 스포츠 생리학 : 무용동작을 이용한 운동 프로그램 유형에 따른 생리학적 강도의 비교
In order to measure and analyze the physiological intensity of which a dance program has on experts and non-experts, a dance program with high-impact and low-impact has been chosen and the following results have occurred.
1. In a high-impact dance, experts' heart rates at the end of six minutes arranged from 123.58 ±7.59 beats/min non-experts' heart rates arranged from 124.61 ±9.29 beats/min to 175.44 ±6.43 At the end of six minutes, non-experts have shown higher heart rates than experts in general, but statistically, this result has shown almost no relevance. At the end of 24 minutes of excercise, non-experts have shown an average heart rates of 175.44 ±6.43 and experts ave shown 169.59 ±7.59 beats/min. The comparison of heart rates made at the end of 24 minutes has shown relatively higher heart rates of non-experts' (P<0.05).
2. In a low-impact exercise, experts' heart rates at the end of 36 minutes arranged from 128.16 ±7.20 beats(min to 162.17 ±5.97 beats/min: non-experts' heart rates arranged from 131.54 ±5.78 bears/min to 163.11 ±7.88 beats/min. At the end of 36 minutes, non-experts have shown higher heart rates than experts in general, but statistically, this result has shown almost no relevance.
3. At the end of a high-impact and a low-impact exercise, experts have shown an average heart rate of 8.95 ±1.13 and 8.54 ±0.95 beats/min, consecutively: non-experts have shown an average heart rate of 9.05±0.85 and 8.86±1.05 bears/min, consecutively. Statistically, this result has shown almost no relevant differences and has shown similar results in both high and low-impact exercises.
According to the fore-mentioned results, an aerobic program which comprised of low- impact exercise could have almost the same effect as a high-impact aerobic program in both achieving the intended heart rate and the physiological improvement.
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The Changes of Glucose during Pitch performance and according to Differense Recovery time 스포츠 생리학 : 투구(投球) 수행중(修行中) 및 회복시간(回復時間) 차이(差異)에 따른 글루코스의 변화(變化)
35(3) 367-374, 1996
The Changes of Glucose during Pitch performance and according to Differense Recovery time 스포츠 생리학 : 투구(投球) 수행중(修行中) 및 회복시간(回復時間) 차이(差異)에 따른 글루코스의 변화(變化)
After excercising for a short periode of time the level of glucose increases, and because, in a prolonged periode of exercise, the consumtion of muscle glucose and blood glucose is the reason for the decrease in exercise ability, the efficient use and response of primal energy source glucose that is needed during exercise, in an energy metabolistic stand point, is an important physiological index. Therefore, it is very important for pitchers who need intermittent high intencity of power revelarion. So the reseach in which the goal is to understand the changes in the level of glucose during pitching and recovery time, using 10 players of the P high school in Seoul, can be abstacted as the following:
1. The glucose levels for the maximum pitching and recovery time for the high school students before exercise showed 82.60㎖/㎗.
2. After 4 endings the glucose measured l04.90㎖/㎗; however, allowing 6 minutes of recess after the 4th ending, it recorded a mximum of 113.00mg/dl before the ending, 7.7% inceased than after the 4th ending.
3. After the 9th ending it measured 83.60㎖/㎗, similar to stable periode; after 6 hours of recovery the numbers became the same; after 24, 48, 72 hours of recovery it showed lower than the stable periode.
4. The result of the ANOVA by repeated measures in maximal pitching and recovery as time passed, showed the R value to be 10.73(degree of freedom=16.63) with the significance in p<0.001 so the difference of the mean values in the measurment time exists.
5. After the result of the post hoc comparison(DUNCAN multiple range test) of the repeatedly measured ANOVA., the repeated measure periode, by establishing as a group, the pre-5th ending and the post-4th ending as the highest mean response value, it implies that the usage of glucose during exercise is high.
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Change Rate of Pulmonary Functions Related to Exercise - Induced Asthma ( EIA ) after Exercise Stress Test 스포츠 생리학 : 운동유발성 천식 ( EIA ) 환자에서 운동부하 시험 후 폐기능의 변화
황수관SooKwanHwang , 김남익NamIkKim
35(3) 375-383, 1996
Change Rate of Pulmonary Functions Related to Exercise - Induced Asthma ( EIA ) after Exercise Stress Test 스포츠 생리학 : 운동유발성 천식 ( EIA ) 환자에서 운동부하 시험 후 폐기능의 변화
황수관SooKwanHwang , 김남익NamIkKim
To investigate the change rate of pulmonary functions related to Exercise-Induced Asthma after exercise stress test, a total of 70 subjects(normal 30, EIA patient 40) were selected. Of the 70 subject, several related test(medical check, pulmonary function test, treadmill exercise stress test) were conducted during rest.
The pulmonary function test, some parameters such as vital capacity(VC), forced vital capacity (FVC), peak expiratory flow(PEF) and maximal voluntary ventilation(MVV) were measured one time during rest prior to treadmill running exercise and further, one time three minutes after exercise stress test. Major findings and conclusion are as follows:
1. After exercise stress test, more than 15 percent decrease of pulmonary function related to FEV1.0sec PEF and FEF25%75% were found in 8 males and 8 females.
2. After exercise stress test, change rate of pulmonary functions was decreased in the order of PEF, FEF25%, MVV, FEV0.5sec, FEF75%, FEF50%, FVC, VC and FEV1.0sec.
According to the incidence of EIA patients, therefore, it was shown that 18 from 70 subject(22.8%) proved to have EIA patient, thus reflecting a larger portion of EIA. Since it is conceivable that a great number of athletes, except for the general public, may have a potential of EIA factor, further studies should be conducted so as to eliminate exercise disorders related to EIA. Futher, PEF, FEF25% and MVV gave more influences to the change rate of pulmonary functions instead of VC and FVC.
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Analysis of the Injuries Incidence with Collegiate Basketball Players 스포츠 의학 : 대학 농구선수의 스포츠 손상에 관한 임상적 분석
백영수YoungSooBaek , 김종호JongHoKim , 한상철SangChulHan
35(3) 387-395, 1996
Analysis of the Injuries Incidence with Collegiate Basketball Players 스포츠 의학 : 대학 농구선수의 스포츠 손상에 관한 임상적 분석
백영수YoungSooBaek , 김종호JongHoKim , 한상철SangChulHan
The purpose of this study was to investigate the injury patterns in collegiate basketball players, and provide the basic data useful for coaches to reduce the injury occurance.
Medical records of 113 injured athletes from 12 teams of Division I were collected and analyzed.
Ankle was the mast common injury sit, 46%, followed by lower back and knee. Injury incidence occured most frequently during the training season, followed by after game, and during practice.
Attention is drawn to the fact that tuesday was at the great risk during a week.
Spring was the most season, followed by winter, summer, and fall a year. The injury rate with guard was the highest, followed by ford, and center. The majority of injuries, 93.5% were treated for less than two weeks. For the treatment of minor injuries, Chinese medicine was preferred by athletes.
Attention and careful adjustment of training schedule considering the frequently injury-related sit, day of the week and season are emphasized.
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The studies of dance - education for the better educational circumstances , in terms of elementary and middle school 무용 : 무용 교육 환경 개선에 관한 연구 - 초·중학교를 중심으로 -
35(3) 399-409, 1996
The studies of dance - education for the better educational circumstances , in terms of elementary and middle school 무용 : 무용 교육 환경 개선에 관한 연구 - 초·중학교를 중심으로 -
In this studies the necessity of dance has been analysed in the educational sense and the desirable direction of the improvement for dance-education examined in relation to space. One of the most characteristics of the dance ate is that dance is the space art. That's why the importance of space-concept is so emphasized in dance-education.
The policy of educational facilities in Korea has been centralized in its quantitative expansion, to neglect the management of it's quality. There are standards of the installment for school facilities odered by presidency (enacted in 1982) with direct relation to plans for school facilities and rules for school facilities, and concretely the standard plan of school buildings renewed in 1980.
The facilities of education is divided into 2 parts, one is its land and the other is its buildings. If schoolbuildings are parted according to the type of educational programm, there are classrooms for particular activity, rooms for administritive management, and the facilities for the support of learning, for example library, lecture hall and protective institution. The dance-education should be practised in particular space for dance called dance-classroom. It is unreasonable to realise dance-education in the dimensoin of 66m2-sized normal classrooms, which is general in Korea.
For the first time danceroom was planned by KIER in 1987 as a part of the examplary design for schoolbuilding of the greenhouse typed natural solar energy. It's very encouraging to get the danceroom embodied for the first time, which has been excluded in the design of schoolbuildings before. But it should be commented at the same time that dance-related people should have extansively participated in the process of the design of school buildings. The educational effect of dance can not be too emphasized not only in the physical sense but also in the mental and social sense.
Therefore dance is essential to general education regardless of sex. The result of the present situations of dance-education in Korea shows us that dance-education has not been specialized in the elementary-middle-and high-schools and that it depends on the features and the financial state of each school. It should be maintained to guarantee highly-qualified dance-teachers and the particular rooms for dance education in each school sufficiently. At this point the correct understanding of dance-education should be renewed nation-widely and above all the good ideas of dance rooms should be set up from the beginning of the plans for school construction for the better educational circumstances.
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Development of Systematic Observation Instrument for Dance Classes and Validation through its Application 무용 : 무용수업의 체계적 관찰검사지 개발과 타당성검증에 관한 연구
35(3) 410-416, 1996
Development of Systematic Observation Instrument for Dance Classes and Validation through its Application 무용 : 무용수업의 체계적 관찰검사지 개발과 타당성검증에 관한 연구
Unlike ballet, modem dance, and any other western style dances, Korean dance has its distinctively unique characteristics in instructional methodologies as compared to the counterparts. Although the methodologies vary depending on teacher's personal characteristic, educational background, teacher whom she had been instructed from, and so on, it is considered to be meaningful to analyze characteristics of the instructional processes and give an attempt to generalize on the theoretical framework in Korean dance technique classes. The purpose of the study was to develop a comprehensive catalogue of college teachers' instructional characteristics in Korean dance technique classes and to apply that instrument to describe the. verbal and non-verbal behavior of dance teachers' in higher education. The instrument was converted to a coding sheet and seventeen classes were observed to gather data. The instrument's 46 behavior items were organized under one terminology heading and three major heading of which are; on-task, off-task, and management. Data were collected from 17 different classes, and four Korean dance experts convened for discussion on a regular basis. The results revealed that the systematic observation instrument is able to represent well the verbal/vocal and non-verbal behaviors of Korean dance teachers. Conclusions include that Korean dance teachers tend to rely heavily on observation, movement description, and feedback. In terms of attitudinal responses, teachers depend on verbal correction as opposed to physical and concurrent (verbal + physical) correction. Negative behavior categories, such as the use of sarcasm and the negation of a student's behavior, are not prevalent in the behavior of Korean dance teachers.
Key Words
A Study on the Dancing Thoughts of Isadora Duncan 무용 : 이사도라 던컨의 무용사상에 관한 연구
35(3) 417-429, 1996
A Study on the Dancing Thoughts of Isadora Duncan 무용 : 이사도라 던컨의 무용사상에 관한 연구
This study is intended to addss the life and dancing thoughts of Isadora Duncan who made the greatest contribution to the creation of the modern dance. Duncan's great achievements can be largely divided into three things.
Firstly, she expanded the kinds of movement or motions capable of being used in dance, created the dance using the dancer's whole body in as free a manner as possible unlike the ballet stressing emphasis on legs and feet with complicated and systematized postures and motions, and instilled soul and spirit into his dance by obtaining inspiration from the ancient Greek.
Secondly, her second contribution lies in dance costume.
She replaced the costume inclinded toward naked feet and untied hair. This is very representative of her free thought. In relation to the technique of motions, she broke away from the formal motion of the ballet and performed dance using walking, running, skipping, jumping, win step and waltz, polka and so on.
Thirdly, her third contribution lies in the use of music. She used the symphony of great musicians such a5 Beethoven, Wagner and so on in dancing. This practice did not almost exist at that time.
As Isadora Duncan's dancing thoughts are perceived as the origin of all the arts going beyond the age, evaluation on theory will become further high and her thoughts will become the mainstay of the thought of the dance world that can be further developed in the contemporary age.